Originally Posted by ASU2003
Would it matter if they did go all the way? Do they not want their current partners finding out about the fling?
No, they didn't want anyone else finding out about the fling. But from what I gather (through limited info) is that this situation has spun outta control. Why would Sam not officially end it either way with Carrie before he started seeing his now girlfriend?? He didn't have to say to
SabrinaFair all these things through text that nothing happened, blah, blah, blah........ to me they are both lying not because of what they said orally, but because they were being secretive.
So much drama could have been avoided if Sam would have said "Carrie, I've met another person and I think I have feelings for her, I can't see you anymore. The time we had was fun, and it does mean something to me though."
Am I immature or naive........ or both??