For starters, you dont have to click to install anything. Some of these new virus and spyware programs are automatically installed just by visiting a wesite. They are using the Javascript and Active X Windows components to install themselves in the background without your knowledge.
Spybot has been a Godsend for me over the years, but I found a different one that has been keeping even the ones Spybot has missed at bay. Do a search for "Superspyware" I downloaded it when I was the victim of a popup installer that was a self-replicating virus, which attacked your restore files so you couldnt restore to an earlier time, and randomly created a named file that allowed it to reinstall, even after your typical A.V. programs "cleaned" the original. It was a REALLY nasty bugger. But superspyware found ALL instances, even the random file and cleaned everything up. Hope your solution that you used cleared things up for you. I swear I wish you could prosecute the add companies that pop up their nice little antivirus programs for you to buy, when THEY are the ones who put the virus on your computer in the FIRST
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison