Originally Posted by SabrinaFair
Haha, it's probably a good rule of thumb, but Carrie and I do NOT have a lot of secrets. (particularly her from me; I'm a little more reserved)...
Being a little reserved is not a bad thing, as you are discovering. Sometimes you just have to watch your back. I have friends that I like very much, but that I have learned to not trust in certain ways. My friend Marin, is absolutely 100% cash register honest. I could loan her a thousand dollars, and she would pay me back right when she said she would. But Marin is a terrible gossip, and I would not trust her with any information that I wanted to keep confidential. Besides that, not only does she gossip, she embroiders. I love her dearly, but I'm always careful what I say around her.
Theresa, on the other hand, I can ask for advice, and know that she will keep a confidence. I can talk about medical or romantic issues safely, but I'd never get on the wrong side of her financially. She's such a spendthrift, she always spends it before she has it.