Originally Posted by Prince
So in your opinion, a 12-year-old child has completed their psychosexual development to the point where they can make an informed decision as to whether or not to engage in sexual activity? No, I don't agree with you. There is a difference between having started puberty and having developed enough to be able to decide on whether or not to have sex. I am rather disturbed and repulsed by your conclusion to the opposite.
See, THIS is where people take a comment or statement COMPLETELY out of content efore asking for a clarification. At NO point did I EVER say that a 12 year old child has "completed their psychosexual development". I never said they could make an INFORMED decision. I simply stated that contrary to YOUR statement, at the onset of puberty the human body has the aility to have physical sexual desires..it is part of NATURE and if we are EMOTIONALLY ready or not is a different situation. At no time did I say they were able to make an informed decision. You are taking my stement out of context, and I am sorry that you feel "disturbed and repulsed" by your OWN misunderstanding. Can we NOT have an intelligent conversation here without coming down on other people? I am merely stating what ANY doctor would say as far as a PHSICAL condition. I was refering to their PYSIOLOGICAL condition which has to do with their PHYSICAL condition, NOT their PSYCHOSEXUAL development, which is COMPLETELY different. Make sure you read a post properly and ask for claification on something before you go ripping into them.