I went the lap band route as apposed to the bypass, but you must take vitamins and suplaments(sp) for the rest of your life. The bypass works much faster than the lap band but the lap band has fewer complications and risks so I went that way.
Yes you eat very small meals and there are certain things that you still have to give up. My doctor always says that you can still drink milkshakes all day and you will not lose weight, so you still have to have some self control with these procedures but I have been doing very well with mine and have lost almost 75 pounds so far.
No it is not medically forced anorexia, you eat and feel full so you are not hungry, you dont eat more often than you normally do now, I still eat three meals a day just much, much smaller meals than I used to.
Like I said I got the Lap-Band not the bypass but most of the after procedures are the same just mine is adjustable and can be taken out if there is a complication, but it does not work as fast because with the bypass they shorten the intestens thus not allowing your body to absorb as much from your food, thus the need for the suplaments(sp)
Sorry for my spelling I suck at it.