Yeah Boston never said they pulled their offer, they just said "they wouldn't be a factor." That was a clever wording by Henry to make Boras prove just what was on the table. Nobody could beat Boston's bid.
I've been hearing more about the skanks signing Manny. I really hate that there isn't another team even being mentioned in these talks. I mean the Dodgers never even tried to change the two year $45 million offer they had. They could have at least put an option on the table. It's funny though, as much as I love Manny, I'm starting to hate him. He pulls a Nomar in Boston, then claims he wants a 2 year contract at $20mil/per and now he's wanting more. Like he doesn't have enough money as it is. It's sad that a player who is going to be regarded as one of the top 5 right handed hitters of all time (yeah..he is. argue if you want) is letting money dominate the waning years of his career. He should be looking at where he can go to win another ring or two and make his legacy really stand out.. not who's going to be the biggest sucker in signing him.
As much as people hate Boras, I can't really blame him in any of this. Sure he drives the price of contracts up, but that's his job. His job is to get the most money he can for a player..and of course himself. I can't fault a person for doing their job well.
So yeah it should be a couple of fun days ahead.. Tex is probably torn between playing for a winner and trying to make his childhood team a winner, and of course how much money he's getting