Originally Posted by raeanna74
The one benefit to fineing the parents is that, if there is any relationship between them and the son, then they are more likely to put pressure on him to reform and repent.
The guy has ADHD and raped an 8-year-old girl. He needs medical help. This is beyond the scope of half-assed parenting, and it's not up to a government to use fiscal punishment as an incentive for parents to put psychological pressure on their kids to "feel bad and think about what they did" and "never do it again."
Originally Posted by raeanna74
Also, they may be less likely to enable him in some of the many ways that some parents enable looser kids... letting them live with their parents till they're 30-40 yr olds who do nothing but leach off anyone who'll let them, have no respect for authority or anyone for that matter, and are total drains on society.
Looser kids? Loser kids? Granted this happened in South Korea, but it sounds like you're now talking about the U.S. or somewhere else in the western world. We've gone to great lengths to build a society where the government doesn't dictate how we raise our children. Should we fine parents who feed their kids junk food, because they are teaching them poor eating habits? Parents who enable their children to become overweight? Parents who leave the moral and ethical education of their child up to Sesame Street and the Internet? Parents who take their kids to the movies to see violent films with sexually suggestive content? Parents who let their kids play violent video games?
As much as you may personally detest people who live with their parents at 30 or 40, it's not the government's job to tell people how to raise their children and to give them fines to provide "encouragement". Some put more effort into it than others, and sometimes even the kids with the most dutiful and dedicated parents don't live up to their parents' hopes, wishes, and expectations.