I have had mine pierced now for about 3 years, I think. For me there was no pain but I had no pain in getting my ears re-pierced nor do I find the needle entering my skin while give blood painful. I find it feels good to me, maybe I'm just a freak.
As for the healing, its not so bad. There are days when they become a lil painful if you don't get them situated in your bra just right like if your nipple gets cocked one way or the other but I got over that learning curve pretty quickly.
I sadly still have problems with my right one but I think it has to do with the fact that the at the time I worked at a pizza joint and the sheeter had this big metal door on it and I smaked it right into my right nipple the day after getting them done. When I got home I had two blood spots on the inside of my bra. I also tend to sleep on my right side so periodically it will get a little tender and that healing crust still appears sometimes.
The left one gives me no problems at all. I love them and would do them over again in a split second. When I look at the nekked pics of me before the piercings I think how plain my nipples looked and how much I like they way they look now.
Frivolity, at the edge of a Moral Swamp, hears Hymn-Singing in the Distance and dons the Galoshes of Remorse. ~Edward Gorey