Not so torn on where to move .... an irresponsible teenagers discussion
Hello TFpers. I am finally 21, yes, not a teenager, but as has been the usual in my life I have been influenced most by the things that I want **read "feel like I will die if I dont"** to do. I want to move to New York.
Yes folks, I have all the info armed. I searched everywhere on advice on how to start over. The finances, the unfamiliarity, even the thread that cynthetic had posted about an article about NYC being as cold as a bedpan and twice as shallow. (I've really wanted to use that phrase ever since I heard it) But people loved it anyway.
The implications of "being alone" while doing stuff such as are what disturb me so much seeing as I'm ...... well let's not get into that....
I come from a very fast city and I will tear my hair out if I have to keep on DRIVING to the grocery store, stopping for minutes on end at stop sighns!! Getting very little going on here is not fun for me. By the way, I'm in Cary, NC.
I like the job I have here but that's just entry level. I can get that anywhere. I also want to expand my horizons. I have past GED education and I can't afford college so I have to either pay for it myself or get a loan I will never pay off!! You see why I feel this would be a good idea??
So let's speak logistics, for the first couple of months I have at least 4 months rent in NC standards, which is like one months rent in NYC but I can do the VERY bare minimums before I get a job and first months pay.
I can also scrounge up at least 2 months living expenses like gas (I dont think will be a big factor), food, utils. I dont think it will take me this long to get a job at a fast food joint before I can really start looking for work, but contingencies must be laid down.
Err... I dont know what my question is by now, err.... what am I missing??? I dont have any doubts, I'm just open to criticism --- be harsh, I can take it --- and any suggestions whatsoever.