The video is an award winning documentary and one which I thoroughly enjoyed watching and thinking about afterwards on the subject of
Terror Management Theory.
Specifically, the idea that exposure to the idea that _You Will Die_ raises people's 'fight' reaction with a corresponding increase in violent behaviours and/or tendencies...
I wonder what effect all the attention to death, particularly violent death in the media has? (duh)
Would similar reactions occur when faced with fundamental truth in opposition to basic denials that underpin everyday life and society?
Then this pops up:
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Rom-coms 'spoil your love life'
An article saying society has a skewed vision of what relationships can/could or should be, depending on things like Rom Coms, resulting in much less happiness overall. Take that idea, think about Disney movies and the even more impressionable minds of youngsters.
Hmmm. Each individual massively influenced by 'News' which almost always centres on spectacular death, 'Entertainment' which focuses on unobtainable/irrational relationships and advertising selling a 'normal' life as failure.
Tragic for individuals, chaotic for aggregates of individual behaviour... societies.
This then led me to thinking about the enormous pool of memes in which societies swim and how much/how far/whether at all/etc. control over the supply of those memes should be put into effect, for the good of everyone?
Everyday, in every way,
The Society of the Spectacle seems more relevant.
(possibly reposting this video)