Pretty pictures sure are pretty.
What does temperature anomaly mean? Doesn't matter. What sort of hypothesis does the p-value refer to? Doesn't matter. What does matter is that we've got these pretty pictures placed next to some words because words are more convincing when there are pretty pictures next to them.
What is important is that if you limit your period of inquiry to the 90's (the warmest decade on record) it is difficult to find or project a trend with respect to global temperatures. If you limit your period of inquiry to the last week or so you'd also find that is was very difficult to find or predict a trend with respect to the US's unemployment numbers. Clearly there is nothing wrong with either of these metrics, since by limiting our period of inquiry we have successfully limited our ability to say anything that we don't want to say.
I'm not saying global climate change is occurring, but I'm not saying it isn't.