Originally Posted by highthief
But that's the challenge isn't it? Who is to say if the boy was raised with "good" values or not. There is one line which suggests he saw some pornography growing up and imitated an act he had seen. OK, if he was sitting there with Ma and Pa watching porn then maybe it was a strange household, but you know, I bought my first porn at 12 and I never turned into a nutjob.
The entireity of his childhood would have to be evaluated - and even then, there are many different ways to raise children successfully. I would find it hard to pass judgment on whether a child - short of a child being raised in very strange, criminal conditions - was raised so poorly as to make the parents responsible.
I like to think I'm a good parent and am raisig my child well - but if she becomes a criminal despite all that, I'm not sure why I should be held to account.
I agree with you here completely. Well except the part where you never turned into a nutjob.
Seriously, who and how decides this was good parenting and poor parenting.? Do we just enforce this after a behavior occurs? Or do we start rounding up bad parents? If we do that then who raises the kids?
Seems like a box better left unopened.