Corinne - an ass on the level of Randy. Too damn self-absorbed to see her own shortcomings. I liked Sugar's 1-finger salute as answer to her grandstanding diatribe.
(s)Kenny - very immature. He forgot to think his actions all the way through, and got spanked in the tribal council vote. Laughable that he thought Bob owed him the immunity idol.
Just think, Susie could have won the 2 votes of Corinne and Randy and walked away with the $$$. Susie refused Corinne's offer of a vote in exchange for removing her vocal cords, and Randy didn't vote for her because she told him off after the cookie incident. The vote would have been 5-2 then in favor of Susie.
I laughed because Sugar ended up with not a single vote -- against Susie's 3 votes and Bob's 4. Really makes you think about all those guys in her alliance who didn't vote for her in the end.
As far as I'm concerned, Bob repaid Sugar for saving his ass by going along with her plan to blindside Randy with the fake idol, so he doesn't owe her. The Sprint reward was based on fan voting, and if Sugar hadn't won over enough of the public to take that prize, well, that's telling about what people were really thinking.
Too many switches this year. I agree that we didn't see enough of Gabon.
it's gritty