My boss and a coworker are so totally hooked on Lost that the coworker is taking a trip to Hawaii to go on the "official Lost tour".
I started watching this show its first season but missed a few episodes, came back when the Dharma stuff started and just could not get past the lapses of logic(and the neat hair and makeup on the female survivors). They swear it got better after the first season, so I'm watching it now.
I've been watching season 2 on Fancast, which runs the full episodes, and I'm still having a hard time getting past these lapses, such as:
They've got a hatch loaded with food that they eat, it's not a limitless amount, but they toss the uneaten into the garbage. Hello? Stew? Soup? Taking the seeds and planting a veggie garden? They find stashed food but no one ever rations. And Hurley tosses his stolen stash all over the place instead of putting it back....
There's a now-abandoned lab the size of a high school, yet they all live under tarps on the beach. I'd be like, y'all get sand and sun, I'll be under a roof.
The hatch has a shower and a bathroom, but they pee and shit in the woods.
Locke gets pinned by a hatch door that at the very least should have cracked a femur, but gets up and walks.
A big red balloon is stuck in a tree and three people don't see it until one of them asks why they're not getting wet in the rain. Um, they would have seen that huge red silk as they approached-laws of perspective.
Locke takes an engagement ring out of its box and puts it into a napkin ina picnic basket then later on pulls that ring out of his pocket and it's back in its box.
For an "deserted" island, there sure are a lot of people on it.
Plots get answered, but this logic lapse thing is making me laugh.
Still watching, though....
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.