I see that, with the latest patch/upgrade, they are seriously nerfing the hunter class, which will have a major effect in PvP...
The great 2008 World of Warcraft Hunter nerf
by Michael Zenke Dec 10th 2008 at 9:00AM
WoW Insider is reporting on the nerf to end all nerfs, aimed squarely at one of the most poweful classes in Blizzard's World of Warcraft. No, not Warlocks, the other one. Hunters are getting hit with the nerf bat something awful, as revealed in a post to the official forums by Community Manager Ghostcrawler. Says the (normally) popular 'Blue', "Hunters of all specs, and particularly Beastmaster, are doing too much damage in PvE." The class is recieving an across-the-board reduction in damage output as a result, a stepping down of power levels commonly referred to in the MMO community as a 'nerf'.
(I love that graphic – it's so appropriate, for what's being done to hunters.)
The rest of this article can be read here...
The great 2008 World of Warcraft Hunter nerf - Massively
A couple of months ago, I quit WoW,
for good (I deleted all my characters, just before cancelling my subscription, to make sure I wouldn't be tempted to go back), because I was sick and tired of Blizzard's hamfisted and continuous tinkering around with character class spells and abilities. (Well, I was also getting burnt out on the game, having played it extensively for over a year.) This, after the hamfisted way Blizzard, with a patch, increased the power and effectiveness of paladins (my favorite character class, in WoW), finally making them a viable class in PvP, only to nerf them a month later with the subsequent patch.
This latest nerfing makes me laugh, because it was hunters who were pissing me off the most, on the PvP battlegrounds. I found that hunters were by far the most effective character class, in PvP (in the level 10-49 battlegrounds, at least). Even for the short period of time when my paladin was enabled with the power increase (before the subsequent nerfing), hunters were more often than not in higher positions among the top 10 player characters of a given PvP match, than paladins were. (Warlocks were among those top 10, too, but not as much as hunters and paladins were.)