Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
I use QuestHelper and Auctioneer. What is all that other stuff? What in hell is Wowhead?! 
Wowhead is an online database of all things World of Warcraft related--quests, NPCs, objects in game, etc. It's endlessly useful when you can't figure out where the NPC or mob you want is, or how a quest is supposed to work (sometimes I find the quest text too vague for my tastes).
Most of my addons are professions-related--FishermansFriend allows for one-click (on the screen) casting, and automatically attaches lures to my fishing pole with a click. I love fishing. Gatherer tracks all of the nodes for my herbing (it also tracks mining nodes). Cartographer allows you to fiddle with the maps in game a bit, plus it reveals the whole map, not just the bits you've uncovered so far. I used to be able to use it to track herb nodes, but I've been having issues with that since WoTLK came out. Takes a bit of the mystery out of it, but I'm okay with that. OneBag consolidates your bags into, well, one bag frame--I find it's easier to keep organized than separate bag frames. Same with OneBank.