Originally Posted by Ilow
The question was which sport is harder, not which one requires greater physical endurance. Although there are some superior conditioned athletes in baseball, there is not much comparison between soccer and baseball athletes in terms of physical endurance. But really any sport whose biggest difficulty claim is that their players can run around for 90 minutes isn't that impressive (I am being somewhat hyperbolic here, as I know soccer players have lots of technical skill). But seriously, does this mean that the Tour De France riders are better athletes, or triathletes? Almost every US Marine I know could run your average soccer player into the ground, so does that mean that they are better athletes? I guess my point is that there are a tremendous array of sport specific skills that someone must have to succeed at baseball, tiny nuances that separate average from superior ballplayers, that I believe make baseball harder.
ahh here's where it gets interesting.. those same nuances apply in football as well. sure, anyone with a decent set of lungs can run for 90 minutes.. but add a ball and other players trying to get the ball from you in the equation and it's suddenly a different shall I say..game.
being able to control the ball when someone like john terry(chelski bum) grabbing your shirt takes skill.. being able to receive a ball in the zone and put it where it needs to go, whether in the back of the net or to a teammate takes skill.. reversing field and hitting your target takes skill.. you see guys who can do it..and those who can't.. another tiny little nuance.. being able to finish a ball. those who can seperate themselves from the average.