Originally Posted by Walter Sobchak
As for your argument against 50 cal rifles...Why shouldnt a civilian be able to own one? I dont care for them but I cant speak for everyone else. The case against 50 cals is largely an emotional issue. Those things are frickin scary. But realistically they are no more dangerous than a simple hunting rifle. You say there is no real reason why anyone should own one. I say the same thing about Ferarri's. Both are capable of performance that is beyond anything required by your everyday guy. Both are capable of inflicting death and destruction. And to some people, they are both a source of great entertainment for the people that choose to own them.
The purpose of a Ferrari is to move from point A to point b. Yes it could wreck havok or destruction but that is not it's purpose. The purpose of a 50 cal is to wreck havok or destruction. Using your logic people should be able to own and drive tanks.
A large "sniper" rifle does not provide any more defense then an ordinary rifle but does provide the ability to do a lot more damage that we don't want people doing. While were talking about weapons how about sub-machine guns? Or any other spray & pray type weapons. To me it is clear that those weapons are way to dangerous to be in the hands of everyday people.
Personally I think we could probably keep most weapons legal but would need to increase the penalties for gun violations. If we can send a first time drug offender to prison under minimum sentencing guidelines for 20 years then the same should be true for careless gun owners. Plaxico Burress should have a minimum sentence for 20 years for what he did.