I could wax on about Coupling UK, but here is something out of the "Hey thats way too much of a coincidence thing" thing. The log is dated August 29, so it was probably right around when the show premiered or something.
[22:25] <me> okay
[22:25] <me> so i'm flipping through a the tv
[22:25] <me> there is a guy on here who was in the BBC's coupling
[22:25] <me> so. he has an english accent, fine
[22:25] <me> on this swhow, swingtown, he is faking an american accent
[22:25] <me> WEIRD
[22:26] <me> and
[22:26] <me> apparently he is related somehow thorugh marriage or whatever to somone named susan
[22:26] <me> on Coupling, the main storyline was his relationship with someone named Susan
[22:26] <me> AND
[22:26] <me> his name on the show is Bruce.
[22:27] <me> there was an ENTIRE episode (sort of) related to him p[retending to be an australian
[22:27] <me> named bruce
[22:27] <me> who owns the only australian bar in england
[22:27] <me> named Bruce's