Originally Posted by ItWasMe
Oh, Hell, no! We were 16, and he turned out to be a real creep. We were from different schools, so I didn't run into him for a while after we broke up. I ran into him one night, after we broke up, at the skating rink (think 80's) He said he wanted to talk. His friends were chuckling, and I had the feeling he was spreading stories. I basically said, "Look, I've told you twice now. You-and-me is never going to happen. You're too creepy. Bug me again, and I'm turning my boyfriend loose on you." Skated over to my friends, grabbed the biggest guy by the hand, and went skating with him. And I did tell him what was up. He thought it was funny.
And that, my friends, is how you fry an ex.
Thank you for validating the sheer joy I got out of "escorting" many friends of mine
throughout the years, I can, and do, enjoy very platonic relationships with women.
I'm tall, decently built by nature and sports only, and loved taking out a girl I liked mostly as a friend, even if I was only to be used as a "beard", a cover for some other action.
My first, her last name, believe it or not, was Cox. I was 14 by only three months.
She was 15, plus 6 at least.
She totally introduced me to the whole thing called sex. Blew me before I even knew orgasm was an option.
Masturbation occurred within a week after that, and I was off to the races.
About Her, actually, I am curious. I have no idea.