Originally Posted by timalkin
Obama did not sign the amicus brief sent to the Supreme Court in the Heller case. That speaks VOLUMES about where he stands on the Second Amendment. He doesn't care about a law-abiding citizen's right to defend himself. Why would he, especially now? I wouldn't care about self-defense either if I had a team of highly trained bodyguards watching me take a piss everyday.
I dont think any Democrats in Congress signed the amicus brief in the Heller case....correction,
a few
It was a purely political act predominantly by Republicans who challenge DC's right to home rule at every opportunity. I wonder how many Republican Senators would have signed the brief if the local law in question represented the will of the majority of citizens of their largest city?
How many times must it be said...Obama's position was clear....DC (or any city) should have the right to enact its own laws that can stand a constitutional test. Not to mention again, his vote with Republicans on the Firearm Confiscation Prohibition Amendment to protect 2nd amendment rights.
-----Added 11/12/2008 at 12 : 02 : 00-----
Here's the bottom line for me.
Some of you guys just cant accept the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans can have honest, thoughtful positions that challenges yours for whatever reasons they may believe is valid...without calling them cowards ("scared of firearms"), ignorant of the Constitution, or leftists.
Are the 50+% of gun owners who support an AWB (according to several national independent polls) the ones who are scared of firearms or ignorant of the Constitution or leftists? Or could it be that they honestly dont see the need (or a right) for a private citizen to own a semi-automatic weapon when their home protection and recreational needs can be met with a handgun or sporting rifle.
ps KirStang...thank you for being one gun rights advocate who can understand and even support why many Americans see the value of mandatory child safety devices as one component of reasonable gun control that they feel is still needed.).