Originally Posted by timalkin
Strange how the left has this fascination with weapons of mass destruction in the hands of private citizens. I don't know any fellow gun-owners who would care to have such things. We just want people to stop trying to take away what we already have. It's pretty simple.
It's the Second Amendment, not us. We're simply using the same axiom you use to excuse owning guns.
Originally Posted by timalkin
I think we'd all get a lot more accomplished if we focused on what really matters: Guns in the hands of criminals. Why don't you take your gun-hating and focus on the people who are out there committing crimes with guns? Leave the law-abiders alone. We haven't done anything wrong, hence "law-abiding."
Do you think criminals can get guns because there are too many gun laws?
Originally Posted by timalkin
If you don't think an armed populace can get anything done against a modern military force, I suggest studying Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, or any resistance movement in the last 50 years or so.
The shrapnel in my uncle's abdomen from Vietnam and the reason a family friend has a leg blown off isn't guns, it's bombs. Do you think the Vietcong could have won with only guns? Or should we legalize bombs?
Originally Posted by timalkin
Even if armed American citizens could never stand up to the military power of the government, why should guns be taken away from law-abiding citizens? I sense a lack of trust, like gun-owners are too stupid to realize that they own things that can kill people.
I'm not arguing to take away guns. I'm questioning the logic of having them. There's also a question as to whether or not the Second Amendment, as it was originally intended, is still relevant. Of course at the core is still the simple issue: Barack Obama is the last person gun owners need to be afraid of. He's a centrist. He could be more progressive in Illinois because Chicago is fairly progressive, but as POTUS, he will be a centrist.