I think Frostbyte really covered it. I'd like to make a correction though.
Additionally, you can't just drag a pet ability to a normal action bar and have it function. Instead, you need to put the pet ability into a macro and then drag it to a normal action bar. This, of course, requires you to manually activate the ability, which might be rendered moot because the pet is trying to autocast it, unless you've found space for it on your pet bar or you bother to turn off autocast literally every time you summon your pet.
This has been fixed. Abilities with cooldowns are now priority over focus dump abilities. Cooldowns under 10 seconds have been lowered to 20 pet focus so they trigger before the 25 focus claw/bite skills. Longer cooldowns like Call of the Wild have no focus cost and if left on autocast will fire every time they're available. Also, Growl and Cower are on the same cooldown and Growl takes priority. If both are on autocast, Cower should never cast. The only thing I keep on my bars are skills that I don't want autocasting all the time because they do tend to turn themselves back on if left in the spellbook. Call of the wild is a more situational buff that I like to manually trigger in raids. I like to have growl and Prowl on the bar because I don't like either of those casting during raids.
For leveling, I highly suggest using a Gorilla as a pet. Charge/Thunderstomp/improved Growl combo generates a ton of threat and it's AOE so it'll hold 2-4 mobs no problem. I leveled with full Tier 6 from 70 to 80 and it was rare that I pulled agro off the gorilla.