I'm going to heartily miss their 'multiple perspectives of the same scene played back to back from different people's perspectives, each funnier than the last and adding context to the previous ones that make THEM funnier' bits.
Sally's Bar and Grill is probably my favorite example of that, but there were many.
Edit...oh yes, and Jeffry. I was glad he got laid eventually, I felt so bad for him after The Girl with Two Breasts and the Man with Two Legs.
Also also, my wife and I found it HILARIOUS that Steve started using Hippo as a nervous expletive after Jeffery explained about 'pulling out in the middle of an H' and have taken to saying "Hippo!" ourselves at random times.
Jeff "There's a lot in Hi."
Steve: There are two letters in hi.
"Yeah, and I hit both of them like a crazy fool. It was like a disaster movie, halfway through the H, I'm thinking "no, no pull out now!". Have you ever tried to pull out during an H?
Steve: Jeff the world in all it's fabulous diversity is entirely populated by people who have never tried to 'pull out during an H'
"Do you know why? Cos it isn't a proper letter. It's just a, just a 'huh' noise. Once you've started on the 'huh' you've basically 'huh-ed' so what could I say? Hello? How are you...hippo?"
Patrick: Hippo?
"You can't say hippo. You don't want to come off sounding like some surreal cupboard loitering lunatic."
Steve: It's just so ironic that you should have that as a specific ambition
"So I said 'hi'. Suddenly it was out there, suddenly that little word was hanging in the air pouting"
Steve: Pouting?
"Like a scantily dressed prostitute reclining on a street lamp."