While it may be true that Obama shares a belief "in line" with the majority of americans--have people stopped to think that--the majority belief is inherently baloney?
I can't tell you the many times I tell my classmates that I want to go shooting--only to be followed up with questions pertaining to violence.
Me: "Man, I'm totally gonna go to the shooting range after I'm done w/ law school finals."
Classmate: "Oh yea? Which teacher you gonna pretend the target is?"
Shooting guns is the same as shooting hoops. If you're good at it, you enjoy it. There is *ABSOLUTELY NO* violent attachment to them by the majority of law abiding gun owners. The violent spectre is ALWAYS INVOKED by the ignorant.
I'll concede, guns can do some dastardly things. But the majority opinion that guns = bad, is driven by media, namely movies, biased media reports, false information, and the desire to sensationalize guns and resultant deaths.
For example, everyone's heard about the 8yr old boy who shot himself in Massachussetts. But what about the CCW owner who stopped a bank robbery in Kentucky? Another who stopped a bank robbery in Texas? The woman home alone who staved off a burglary with a gun? The Homeowner in NY who did the same?
Something to think about fellas.