Dood... and I don't have finals? I had to write a twenty page lawyer's brief and argue it in my Constitutional Law class.
I have an IQ of 65 when it isn't cloudy outside and wear shoes that feature Velcro (TM) closures! I can make time for this little get-together.
You're not the only ancient mofo going to school on Uncle Sam's dime. I'm in that club, too.
You gotta man up and take the books to the range with you. We'll do flash cards while loading mags 'n stuff.
Okay, just kidding. That'd be a little like the "fabulous" phone call you gave in another thread.
I'd vote for it to be pushed back to a date that'll allow more than just Slims and I to attend. He doesn't wanna be left out on the range with only me. That'd be weird.
We're going to need a squad size element for this party. Any suggestions for dates when Walter won't need a doctor's note to attend?
As far as I know... the following individuals showed intent to go on a TFP blastin' session: Slims, Walter, Debaser, KirStang, LordEden, Dunedan, Crompsin
Anybody else?
I'm looking at mid January. 17-18th. What's up with everybody else? Can I get some commitment?
Last edited by Plan9; 12-10-2008 at 08:57 AM..