Originally Posted by Willravel
I can block a baseball bat. I can't block a bullet. I'll take idiot psychos with bludgeoning weapons any day.
Can you block a "magic wand?" j/k
Will, the point here is that (violent) crimes will occur with or without firearms. Sure, firearms are far more effective than baseball bats (doesn't your leg agree?) but when you remove legally-purchased, citizen-owned firearms from the equation, you still have XXXk guns out there that with which criminals will use against those who're "doing the right thing" by Johnny "Change-It-Up" Lawman.
It is physically impossible to remove guns from the United States. Why heavily restrict or seize them from law-abiding people like Crompsin? I'm a responsible gun owner... and as the bumper sticker goes, "My guns have killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car."