I also believe baseball is more difficult. People who stress soccer player's conditioning are barking up the wrong tree as far as making the sport "harder." 60 year old grandmothers run marathons, that doesn't impress me. I have played soccer for many years growing up, so I do appreciate that there is a skill set in soccer, however, some of the specific skills in baseball are far more difficult to do, never mind do well. Think about it, when little kids play soccer they play with smaller nets, in essence making it harder to score. When little kids play baseball, it is so difficult for them that they place the ball on the tee because it is too difficult to throw or hit it. I know that's just little kids, but just the same, ask your average person to kick a moving soccer ball into a goal from 20 yards and ask them to hit a line drive off a 90 mile per hour fastball in a batting cage and see which happens first.
"Religion is the one area of our discourse in which it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about"
--Sam Harris