Originally Posted by Slims
If you take away guns, more crimes will be committed without them. The only salient measure is whether the confiscation of firearms actually reduces crime overall, or just encourages a mugger to use a knife, etc. Most statistics in Europe / Australia indicate increasing violent crime rates even though firearms laws continue to be tightened. Contrariwise, more and more firearms are purchased and put in the hands of private citizens every day in the United States, and our Violent Crime rates are down nearly 50% since 1980 despite the increase in firearms ownership.
I concur. People comprise the independent variable. Crime is crime: it is only the tools that change. The United States is "the most gosh-darn violent country in the universe" because of its citizens and social issues, not the type of tools available with which to bludgeon and blast each other.
Didn't I read somewhere that the FBI actually has a task force assigned to crimes committed with blunt instruments like baseball bats?