Simply denegrating those who have challenged a particular point of view is not a very classy move.
It is, however, the only move he has. The sort of snide, condescending, holier-than-thou-and-smarter-than-God attitude you're referring to is why I no longer debate with RB. One can only see one's argument transmogrified into an unrecognizable strawman and called "incoherant" so many times before the brick wall starts to hurt the head. I suggest you don't try arguing with RB, Slims: if he dislikes your arguement he'll simply label it "incoherant" as if he's some Final Authority, or simply express dismay and disbelief that anyone -still- thinks that way.
He'd be amusing if I didn't know that people just like him have the engines of Force at their disposal, and the ability to turn their irrationality, prejudice, and poor impulse-control into a mass grave.