Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Since you call football (association football if you must differentiate it from american football) "soccer" - I dont think you are really in a position to make judgments about the sport.
I could come in here and say that baseball is nothing more than an armoured version of rounders (a game played in the UK by school girls under 11) - but I dont choose to make ignorant statements about a sport I dont really know much about.
-----Added 7/12/2008 at 04 : 15 : 39-----
Everybody can make their own judgments about any sport. Just because we call it something else doesn't mean that we're ignorant to the sport and are unable to form an opinion about it. Sorry if I didn't call it "football." I didn't know people took offense to it. Besides that, this is America. We call it soccer here, not football. The rest of the world has it wrong. haha. Baseball is baseball all around the world. There's no other name for baseball. Soccer has two names. Deal with it. I don't know what Rounders is so I can't say anything about it. I don't know why I'm arguing about this. I guess I'm just in the arguing mood.
I might be partial to baseball because I've played it professionally as a pitcher and now I'm pursuing it as an outfielder and I know how hard it can be. You guys are right in that its apples and oranges. I just thought they had interesting view points. Also, I was just defending my sport. haha. I did play soccer as a child and it was difficult, but I still think the skill set required to play baseball takes more time to develop, just because there are a few more things that need to be learned. As with soccer, yes, you have to be able to kick the ball wherever you want with precision aim, but again I'm bias towards baseball. I can't help it.