Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If I knew how to shoot and clean that shotgun, march in formation and fight in small fireteam size groups, yes, I was well regulated. That is exactly what the founders were talking about because that is what they were.
Great! Tell ya what. I do agree that we need to be able to resist the government should it become tyrannical. I'm somewhat surprised that the people loudly extolling this view didn't start shooting at some point over the past 8 years, but let's just pretend they were temporary sheep.
You'd be fine if people could only buy a gun if they could shoot and clean it, march in formation, and fight in small fireteam size groups?
And just how many non-veteran gun owners do you think fall into that category?
your attempt to use the 'negative rights' theory was expected.
Yes, considering it was you who advanced that theory by telling me I don't have the right to keep and bear missiles.
tell me, where in the constitution or bill of rights does it say that these rights are limited by technology or the times?
Nowhere. Thank you for proving my 2nd amendment argument right for me. We can now have missiles, should we be able to afford them.