Originally Posted by Halx
That's how my leveling guide would go. Who wants to hit 80 as a button mashing drone?
The thing is, the leveling guides give you the the fastest possible quest routes to get to the cap faster. Some people already know how to play a class and don't need to spend all their time slowly learning how do the best dps at a certain level and would rather speed through the content they have seen already that will only give gear that will be replaced rather quickly and get into the end game content to start gearing up for raids or Arenas.
The guides aren't about grinding, they are about being efficient in your questing. Some people just want to enjoy the ride to 80 and some people have already enjoyed the ride and want to power through it with another character in order to get to the area of the game that they really want to play. Leveling is boring once you've done all the lore stuff.