Originally Posted by dc_dux
The NRA is not stupid.
Much of their rhetoric about Obama's record on gun control is false or misleading.
NRA Claim: "Ban use of Firearms for Home Self-Defense" - False
The false and misleading claims keep those contributions coming in to the NRA....and that is their goal.
Looking at your first point. Obama, as a State Senator, voted against legislation legislation that allowed a loop hole for gun owners who violated local gun laws when they used their guns for self-defense in their home. So on one hand we have local gun law and on the other we have the issue of the use of a fire arm when a person's life is threatened in their own home. The NRA's position and the position of the legislation Obama voted against, is that a person should not be subject to local criminal penalty if they properly use a firearm in their own home to defend life even if the ownership of the weapon violated local law. The type of penalty a gun owner could be subjected to could not only be criminal but would open the door for civil penalty, in affect Obama's position is to allow local law, ban a federally protected right and to elevate the status of a criminal to that of the intended victim. The issue bringing this to the fore front in Illinois was a gentleman who shot a burglar in in self-defense in his own home, which was the finding of the judicial system. Obama's vote would have subjected this man to criminal and possible civil penalty for defending his life in his own home.