Every single young adult book Robert Heinlein wrote. A great starting point would be the short story collection The Menace from Earth, and then start in on the novels with Starship Troopers, Space Cadet, Citizen of the Galaxy, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Double Star, Door into Summer, and Have Spacesuit, Will Travel. They're all in the same universe, so that should fulfill the 'series' need, and they're pure unadulterated awesome. When I was 14 I inhaled them, and I still re-read them more frequently than I read new material.
Quick caveat: While his young adult stuff is AWESOMESAUCE, his adult stuff is pretty adult, though equally awesome once he's an appropriate age (he spends a lot of time dealing with the specifics of polyamorous relationships), so, for now, stick to the young adult stuff!
twisted no more
Last edited by telekinetic; 12-09-2008 at 07:14 AM..