- term limits for Congress (one 6-year term for the Senate, 2 or 3 2-year terms for the House)
- uniform voting system for federal offices. If states want to cry "state rights" over their local/state voting, fine, but the POTUS voting should be uniform nationwide.
- single day primary voting. Give the candidates 2-4 months to campaign around the country, but have all the primaries vote on the same day....none of this "one state builds momentum for the next" BS....all due respect to Iowa and New Hampshire, but I don't want them determining the primaries months before I get to vote.
- uniform primary voting (both between states and between parties). Right now some states have votes, some caucuses. Dems use super-delegates, Reps don't. All Dem primaries are "per district", some Reps are "winner take all". It's chaos.
- kill the idea of Super Delegates.