Originally Posted by dksuddeth
It's almost amusing to watch so many people vote known anti-gunners in to office so they can have their 'change', yet turn right around and participate in actions diametrically opposed to the people they elect in to office.
THIS JUST IN: There are more important things in life than firearms... like having a President under 80 years of age with an IQ above 80.
The bullshit political system in the country gave us two viable options on election day.
If I just voted on the issue of who was pro-gun... it would go against my other beliefs and common sense. I can't do that. I've seen 8 years of bullshit. I can't do it anymore.
There are a lot more important issues in the country than who can own an AR-15 clone.
I'd trade some of my guns for a country that made my military service mean something.
Hey, you wouldn't understand this, would you? Nah, guns solve
all your life problems, apparently.