Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
I always find these "level as fast as possible" guides a bit funny. I don't use them. I tend to savour the game.
But that's just me.
As I suppose my recent posts have indicated, leveling is one of my least favorite parts of WoW. Anything that minimizes the time I have to spend running around, flipping back between my map and my quest log, trying to figure out where, exactly, I'm supposed to be going is a win in my book. I read the quest text for every quest I did between 70 and 80 and very much appreciated the depth of the storylines in WotLK both in a grand sense and within each specific zone, but I have no regrets in using a guide to help me through the nuts and bolts.
WoW isn't a puzzle game, and the enjoyment I get out of questing is the experience and the reward, not figuring out exactly which hoops blizzard wants me to jump through. Jame's guides do the best job, in my experience, of covering all the content and explaining everything clearly and simply, so if you're like me and leveling isn't the point for you, it's an enormous help.
If you like to lounge through leveling, though, certainly don't take this as any criticism of it as a playstyle. You only get to do that once an expansion (alts notwithstanding), so take as long as you want. Just trying to provide people with some of the tools I like and use if they have similar interests.