Originally Posted by YaWhateva
Understandable for the first time (and maybe even second time) through the content, but when you are working on your 3rd or 4th character you want to power through as fast as possible.
Oh, that. This is something else I think is funny. (BTW, by "funny," I mean peculiar. I don't mean any ridicule.) I don't think I could ever do that...a third or fourth character. I view other character types as the same creatures of different names. It all comes down to button-mashing, really. I'm more about exploring the world and trying not to die. I don't think I need to have more than one character. By the time I'm bored enough with my first one to want to push a second (or fourth) one to level 80, it will be time to cancel my account. Life's too short. Mind you, I do have other characters, but I only use them when something goes wrong with my main character or his server and I haven't had my fill of the game.