no man, there's no misunderstanding going on here.
your post is off-topic when you start railing against federal money going to schools in this thread
this thread is whether California should use its money for school funding or prisons
we all know your position on whether feds should be involved in anything state related...I'm really at a loss after what 5 years or more? that you think I would not understand that out of you by now.
but this situation isn't about whether anyone wants to use your money for California schools.
this thread is whether people think our governor is off his rocker when he diverts primary education funding to prison expansion
California dollars for two Californian problems
if you got something to say about that, I'm interested
but I'm not interested in your normal "local/state services should be locally/state funded" because here we're saying that our state dollars would be better invested in education than prison. got nothing at all to do with DC.
this isn't even about "throwing money" at a problem. it's not even asking for an increase in school funding. this is about taking money from the education budget because our prison population is exploding.
reducing money to education to pay for prisons that are growing
how is that not throwing money at the crime problem?
btw, your earlier statement was a bit off. Think about this if you will:
you said, hey, I went to school and I didn't go to prison
yeah, that's exactly the point: the correlation between people who go to school is that they don't go to prison
but in that same statement, you made the claim that schools shouldn't feed young children because you did fine with your problematic conditions
ok, here's the problem: we know that students who aren't probably rested and nourished do not do well in school.
so, yes if the fact that performing adequately in school is linked to staying in school is true
and if the fact that staying in school is linked to staying out of prison is true
and if the fact that being rested and nourished is linked to performing adequately in school is true
then it must be true that if we don't provide proper shelter and nourishment to school children, then we will have to fund them eventually in a form of a prison cell and three full meals.
that's the problem with what you were saying earlier from how I understand it.
it just doesn't logically or economically add up to be hard-line about it because the statistics are just not going to support the position that doing nothing, or worse reducing funding in education, is going to save money on the backend.
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Last edited by smooth; 12-08-2008 at 08:55 AM..