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Old 12-07-2008, 03:16 PM   #75 (permalink)
bad craziness
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Location: Guelph, Ontario
Originally Posted by percy View Post
Haven't heard any dissention from the conservative members regarding any potential ousting of Harper. Absolutely squat about that notion in the media also.

And if it was his plan, to me anyways it was politically brilliant. Maybe not the best timing in conjunction with the economy, but people are now looking to him for leadership and well,..looking at especially Dion and Layton with great disdain.

If people weren't convinced before that Layton and Dion have absolutely no credibility, it has now been proven to them.

Maybe there is a case to replacing Harper, but certainly not as immediate as the cases for Dion and Layton.
Really? I've been reading alot in the media that much of this is Harpers fault and that his leadership is in pretty bad shape. I mean he failed to get a majority against the weakest leader that the Liberals could possibly throw at them, and now he might be ousted from the PM's spot because he came in acting like a bully trying to throw his weight around like he had a majority.
Will he lose the leadership right now? No. But if he gets booted from the PM roll I wouldn't be surprised.
Dion wont last long either, although I haven't heard anything about Layton being replaced. The only people I've heard complaining about Layton were the people already complaining about Layton. I mean if the coalition goes through the NDP will get cabinet seats for the first time ever.

Originally Posted by percy View Post
I'm guessing Harper will put out an economic plan that is more than concilliatory and accepting in the eyes of the Canadian public than worrying about caving into each and every demand the opposition thinks they are entitled to.

It would be foolish not to listen to the opposition outright, but unfortunately I think the oppositions sense of entitlement will grow, which again will be a huge mistake for them. It doesn't mean they have to roll over, but if their demands over extend any sense of logic, they are dead in the water.

Whether people like it or not, Stephen Harper is the prime minister. He is expected to lead the country. If some people feel he should be the messenger for Liberal and NDP platforms, then they are clueless as to what leadership is. On the other hand, Harper has to have the leadership skills to prove he can work a minority government, which means adopting some opposition ideas and moving them forward or trying to better them.


I'm guessing Harper will put out an economic plan that is more than concilliatory and accepting in the eyes of the Canadian public than worrying about caving into each and every demand the opposition thinks they are entitled to.

Further, and quite poignantly, this rings true since the opposition look and sound like a bunch of buffoons,...Harper isn't going to appease the opposition as muchas they would like well because,...why would he lower himself to that level. People have no respect or Dion and Layton,...why strive for that level,..

His plan will be and should be for Canadians,... not the appeasement of the opposition.
-----Added 6/12/2008 at 11 : 51 : 52-----

Not picking on you Charlatan, but the more I think of it, the less Harper will include the opposition in his economic budget.

But if his budget is stupid and doesn't reflect the needs of Canadians, he would and should suffer a non-confidence vote.

However whether you want to admit to it or not, Harper is in the drivers seat. This is a lose - lose for the opposition. If Harper comes out with a solid plan which I think he will, the opposition has to eat crow, feathers and all. If they stall parliament after that, then they are writing their own ticket. If they still go ahead with a non-confidence vote after and assuming Harper puts out a solid platform, the Canadian public will ravage them at the polls.
You know, I work in marketing and the one thing Harper is very good at is understanding the ebb and flow of public opinion when it swings between general content and miscontent. The opposition don't understand this and therefore the reason they are in the position they are in.

And also, don't be to surprised if Layton and Dion gasped a huge sigh of relief when parliament was suspended,..that may have just saved what careers they have left.
Bolded stuff I wanted to touch on.
This all started with him being foolish enough to not think about the opposition when he only had a minority. Would he be dumb enough not to do it again? Not right away. I think Harper got comfortable after a loooong minority government that met with little opposition. This time he came out trying to bully the opposition around rather than trying to work with them and it's failing.
If Harper can put forth a budget that takes into account the other parties then he might get through this. The thing is he HAS to take into account the other parties.
As stated above, I agree with you about Dion and no one respecting him. The thing is there is still a strong "anybody but Harper" feeling out there. Harper couldn't get a majority against this loser last time what makes this time any difference? Except the fact that Harper has given the opposition ammunition about what a Harper majority would be like to use against him for undecided votes.
Layton is another story. Some people love him, some people hate him. If he gets cabinet seats for the NDP his position as leader of the NDP is pretty safe.
Actually one thing I do wonder is if there is another election will the Liberal and NDP coalition stay together?
"it never got weird enough for me." - Hunter S. Thompson
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