My point was that the evidence from many objective studies is compelling that f
or the investment of every $1 in programs like Head Start (and other early education programs) and followed up with the other education reforms I mentioned (more teacher-parent interaction, small class size...),
we save from $5-$10 in other program costs, including criminal justice, welfare, etc.
-----Added 7/12/2008 at 12 : 20 : 43-----
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
the first answer of relief would be stopping the 'war on drugs', which I still believe that congress has no power to prosecute constitutionally. That would remove alot of simple possession inmates. other BS crimes that result in prison sentences should be undone as well. We don't need to throw money at that kind of issue, do we?
I dont know that its unconstitutional...but I do share the rest of your sentiments.