Women who are sexually attacked in ways that do not involve sexual intercourse are victims of serious crime of course, for which the criminals should face 20 years to life automatically - but simply not rape. Rape is a specific term with a specific meaning.
You are talking about a woman ramming a broom up my arse... but this is not reality, things like that simply dont happen. You might as well come in here and say "but what if the women suddenly turned into a horse and stamped on the man with her hooves"... this is not a scenario with any reflection in the real world.
The core of this argument is that I have addmitted that what the girls did was wrong and they should lose their jobs over it, but I have stated that this is not the serious sex crime that others choose it to see it as. Whether you want to accept it not, the fact is that majority of society agree's with me.
Women are by and large not violent criminals (which doesnt mean that women dont commit crime, but it is usually propert crime).
The article in fact only states that this is a care home - it is others who have taken a "worst case scenario" that all of the people are suffering from very serious senility or alchzeimers and then treated this scenario as a fact.
My grandmother was in a care home for a couple of years before she died, so no - it isnt the case that I have no clue what institutions like this are like. Some people are very vulnerable and some people are mentally as sharp as you or me.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas