I can't believe I'm wasting my fucking time responding to this inanity...
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Harmless, and at worst a misjudgment. The buttocks are of course not a sexual region with regards to the male - so there is hardly even a sexual connotation to this action. It is nothing more than horseplay which did not harm or demean the resident in any way - as he was a male.
Tell that to all the men who enjoy prostate stimulation. Even taking that out of the equation, the butt is very much a sexual organ. You claim that the butt is not a sexual organ because a person is male, which I assume is because you disassociate the butt from male sexual gratification. Except, women are just as likely to get sexual enjoyment out of external butt play than men, and are arguably
less likely to enjoy internal anal stimulation than men. The female butt is viewed as a sexual organ
because men see it that way. If a woman's butt can be considered a sexual organ because of external attitudes, then so can a man's.
As I stated earlier, do we believe that even a very old man could be so overpowered by a 110 lbs 19 year old girl that his trousers and underpants could be removed against his will and she do this? I put it to you that they were in a situation (however bizzare and inappropriate) when he had willingly removed his clothing and allowed her to place her hand at least in this region.
Again, are you fucking
kidding me? Do you have
any idea what it's like to be in the condition many of these kinds of patients are in? Honestly a 5 year old could take my grandpa out, let alone a 19 year old, relatively athletic (it appears) girl.
But the key question here is the context. Did the man object? Did he complain or feel he was violated?
Yes, context. Like being in a vulnerable position where you're supposed to be able to trust the people who are taking care of you. As for complaining and feeling violated, how many times does it have to be pointed out that these people had Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia (not to mention that this happens to elderly citizens of sound mind too, and they are often afraid to report such abuses). They very likely didn't particularly comprehend what was going on at the time, and even more likely they didn't remember it long enough to complain to someone else about it.
having an argument with a resident. I am sure that this happens every day in every care home, not a criminal or disiciplinary matter in any way.
You are stretching and stretching and stretching to hold onto your precious view of "the fairer sex," and it is getting increasingly ridiculous. But you're right...clearly, they're just picking on these poor, innocent girls for no reason, when they must have had an altercation just like any other normal nursing home altercation. It's just not possible
at all that sweet, young, innocent teenage girls, who just don't have any form of impurity in their nature, would ever intentionally upset and antagonize a vulnerable senior citizen for their own amusement.
Women may "grind" against men in dance clubs every night in towns and cities across the world - do you propose rounding them all up and charging them with sexual harrassment?
Yes, because god knows it's such a similar situation to what we have here
A disciplinary offence, if it happened as reported, hardly a criminal matter. I think we have to consider the possibility that the hand over mouth was to stifle a cry of another kind. The girls after all did not hold the man hostage 24/7 - if he had wanted to cry for help he simply would have called for help the minute she took her hand away.
Again with the stretching. A
girl would just
never do anything to harm another human being - it's not in their nature! - so there must have been
some other reason for her to cover the patient's mouth! Clearly they're just being picked on by professionals who obviously have no idea how to
really care for senior citizens. They're just jealous because the girls thought of stifling their screams first!
Give me a fucking break. And AGAIN...do you seriously not have any fucking clue what Alzheimer's or dementia is? By the time the girl was done, the patient may not have even remembered what happened. It's not unreasonable at all that he or she wouldn't cry for help afterwards.
I'm tiring of this stupidity.