Originally Posted by SF
Harmless, and at worst a misjudgment. The buttocks are of course not a sexual region with regards to the male - so there is hardly even a sexual connotation to this action. It is nothing more than horseplay which did not harm or demean the resident in any way - as he was a male.
The buttocks aren't a sexual region? Who are you to decide what is and what isn't a sexual region? Is a females ass any different than a males? Or are your homophobic tendencies showing? Females look at the asses of men, they like them if they are nice.. so it can be a sexual region.. oh.. you mean that by merely touching a man's ass that's there no way for that to turn into arousal right? WRONG.
Originally Posted by SF
The only action in this whole case which could be considered criminal assault (I would call this possibly sexually aggrivated assault rather than anything such as rape - which it self evidentally is not. A woman, biologically, cannot rape a man - because she does not have a penis) But the key question here is the context. Did the man object? Did he complain or feel he was violated? As I stated earlier, do we believe that even a very old man could be so overpowered by a 110 lbs 19 year old girl that his trousers and underpants could be removed against his will and she do this? I put it to you that they were in a situation (however bizzare and inappropriate) when he had willingly removed his clothing and allowed her to place her hand at least in this region.
So first off you're assuming that the male wasn't wearing a gown.. he was wearing trousers and a belt and everything.. and next you're assuming that a man in a facility like this could still hold some sort of power of a 110lb girl. Nevermind the fact that many of them don't even have basic bodily control.. I mean.. how in the world could this have really happened? Girls just don't do these sort of things.
So now you're going on the whole, the female doesn't have a penis and therefore cannot rape a male. It's impossible for men to get raped unless there is a penis involved. That's nice, you just slapped all the women in the face who have been raped by force with objects other than a penis by that sort of logic. If a woman walked up to you while you were somehow incapacitated and shoved a broom stick up your ass would not think you were raped? Of course not.. because she doesn't have a wang. She can't rape you.
Originally Posted by SF
Again, over excited horseplay. Maybe a disciplinary offence but hardly a crime in relation to a woman dry humping a man. Women may "grind" against men in dance clubs every night in towns and cities across the world - do you propose rounding them all up and charging them with sexual harrassment?
Apples/Oranges.. If I go into a strip club I'm
WILLINGLY walking in there for whatever purposes I intend on. If however I am admitted into a mental facility, I'm pretty sure that the brochure is not going to list "lap dances upon request"
SF-- I don't know why you keep wanting to play this argument as it's demeaning towards all genders and quite frankly wishy washy at best. Either you simply like to hold firm in any belief even if it is found to be false, or you simply cannot comprehend what is being put in front of you.
I sincerely hope it isn't the latter.