Originally Posted by SF
If all the women in your office constantly smacked you on the arse - yes that would be a problem - but it doesnt happen, and in nearly every case of sexual harrassment in the work place the victm is a woman being mistreated by an aggressive male who is abusing a position of authority
you sir, are sadly misinformed.
Originally Posted by SF
A woman cannot force a man to have sex if he doesnt want to. That is a fact that cannot be disputed by any clear clear thinking person.
I'm clear thinking. I've seen enough data on this subject in the past month that I wanted to pull my hair out. Literally.
In this case, there is mention that a man had a finger shoved up his ass. Correct? Would that not constitute anal penetration i.e. anal sex? The patient was unwilling for this to happen.. ergo, a man had sex without being willing.
SMeth has already alluded to the other aspects of unwilling male sex so I don't need to rehash that again as you are simply thick headed and have no clear intent on seeing the case or the facts for what they really are. I cannot fathom why someone would simply stick to their guns when their argument has been blasted so full of holes that there really is no ground left to stand on.
I'm not even going to bother posting link after link, stat after stat, because there have been multitudes posted so far and you seem to ignore them. Maybe it's because secretly you hope that you get groped by a female co-worker.