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Old 12-04-2008, 06:49 PM   #5 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
If Usain Bolt was found to have cheated I doubt I'd bother to watch 2012.

But you use a phrase such as "the numbers prove he has cheated"... what kind of proof is this? He is too good so he must be a cheat? He was tested at the Olympics and he tested clean. That is the fact here.
im sorry that you only watch athletics once every 4 years... but if i were you i wouldnt particularly ruin it for myself put my eggs in one basket. you really are missing out on some good action. the olympics more than just about one athlete. drugs are and will always remain a part of drugs.

SF there are too many indicators that i have measured against that just do not measure up. i dont make statements like this lightly. ive been around running and swimming my whole life and ill tell you for certainty that every person involved in world has some sort of doubt but are too scared to say it because he's the golden boy. just like ben johnson. everyone knew he was on drugs, no one wanted to come out and say it. in fact out of the 100m lineup in the 88 olympics, i think 6 of them now have been busted for drugs at some point or other. ben, carl , dennis mitchell, linford, and two more that excape me.

his 10m splits for example. its all about speed pure physics - the athlete that decelerates the least after reaching top speed will win. he is the ONLY athlete to ever reach his top speed and maintain it all the way through (except for the heroics and the chest thumping circus of the last 10 metres -if you interpolate the results, had he not thumped his chest he would have ran a 9.63 or 9.64 based on these splits. that means that he would have reduced the previous WR mark set in 2007 by asafa 11 months earlier by a whoppng 1.129%!!!!). these were his splits per 10m. most athletes reach top speed at around 40-60 metres. from there they decelerate because their speed endurance reduces. bolts' speed as you can see was maintained all the way through, which is quite unusual and unparralelled in history.

reaction time 0.165s
0-10m 1.85
10-20m 1.02
20-30 0.91
40-50m 0.87
50-60m 0.85
60-70m 0.82
70-80m 0.82
80-90m 0.82
90-100m 0.90

total 9.69

even powells run in 2005 of 9.77 decelarates considerably compares to this. the only person to keep their top speed at all for at least 20m is tim montgomery who is a proven drug cheat. even ben johnson deceleration is huge, and he was on drugs. you would think that the drug cheats would be able to maintain their speed endurance more than the clean one.

like i said, the numbers dont stack up... i still stand by my comments. i still think he's on drugs. you havent shown me anything to convince me he's not.

highthief - as a runner yourself, you would also know that runners and especially sprinters mature and improve and peak at around late twenties to early thirties. as opposed to say swimming where they reach that point at a much younger age (between 16-23.

he may well have been subjected to many drug tests, but whos to say that he's not using a masking agent thats not known yet. ben johnson didnt fail every test he took either. and with the questionable jamaican teams drug testing record, why wouldnt there be a question mark over not only bolt but asafa as well?

p.s. im not sure ill be able to reply to any of this because ill be flying in a few hours and ill be gone for a few days. ill still be able to check TFP from time to time though, so i welcome responses.
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