This is like reading Thomas Mallory. I can't even wrap my head around your position strange. The things you are claiming are universal truths, and which I know in my heart to be true, I resounding reject in a universal sense. I don't think I can continue this line of conversation.
In a passing sense, I am interested in seeing how this thing plays out. I think if nothing else, this is just a severe case of a serious problem in nursing homes in general. I've heard horror stories from friends who's family members are in facilities for advanced/terminal care. Stealing food being a major issue...I thought it was pretty despicable when someone stole a friend of mine's grandfather's home-cooked cake. Like I said, I wonder how much of this will fall back on the facility in which this occurred? I would be seriously pissed if my parent/grandparent were treated in this fashion. I would wonder if the civil suits are far behind?
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style