I'd just like to point out that since 1997, claims of sexual harassment by males has nearly tripled according to the EEOC. Third Party harassment such as this is justifiable and quite common these days. So anyone who claims that female assault or harassment on an adult male is unheard of or uncommon simply doesn't know the facts.
Don't make me pull out a Host style thread with tons of links. I just did a thesis for my wife on this whole subject. I'm armed to the teeth.
Anyway, the whole point here is that these girls were
CARETAKERS. last I checked, taking care of the elderly did not involve rectal exams, lap dances or spitting in the face.
On the whole sex offender registry thing.. I think it's a bit much, however, anal penetration of an unwanted nature, and to a vulnerable person is pretty close to forms of rape.
but no.. no crime has been committed.
edit: just found this lovely gem of a comment
Originally Posted by SF
It is not reported that the people in their care were upset - only that at times they cried out. They did not complain, their families did not complain, and still they do not complain. Are we to believe that of this nursing every one of them sufferes from conditions that effect the memory?
In my view they were not tormented. In my view, whatever age the man is, being groped (which is basically what we are talking about here) by a 19 year old girl is not a "torment"
Hrmm.. you know, it's funny how you want to say that they aren't upset because they didn't complain. You do realize that most rapes go unaccounted for because the person is embarrassed, or they enjoyed it for a split second right? That doesn't mean that a crime hasn't been committed. It simply means that the victim is embarrassed and afraid of ridicule by people of ideas such as yours.
you may enjoy a woman groping you for no reason and you may enjoy it on your death bed, however, it doesn't make it right for someone to take clear and abusive advantage of another person.
and just so you know, you made a comment about topless calendars vs. calendars of men in speedos.. technically you could easily file a harassment case on the matter.. it's called Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment. So no, I wouldn't think you were foolish to do so.