Originally Posted by highthief
We've been prorogued.
Don't like it - it subverts Parliamentary democracy.
I'd have liked the GG to have said "OK, we'll prorogue, but you harper have to quit and someone else from the Consevative party has 6 weeks to fix this."
I'm sorry I know I'm asking dumb ass questions here, but my educational system didn't even seem to think the names nor number of provinces and territories in Canada were important. Hell, I didn't even know there were any territories until Nunavut was added in the 90's(?)
Anyway, this move by Harper (with an assist from the GG) is a delay and not an end of the issue, right? Seems like Harper bought some time to put together a real budget rather then what he first put out (from my read his budget wasn't well received.) So now he has time to get a realistic budget and plan put together.
I may be reading this situation all wrong but his actions remind me of Bush Jr. Seems like he's taken a "my way or the highway, boys" attitude. Bush got away with that crap for years because his party was in control of a two party system. Canada's system doesn't seem very conducive to this type of governing.